Tech IndustryJul 10, 2023

Unpopular Opinion: The generative AI craze is another hype wave and it’ll (mostly) die out

What we’re seeing now is companies and people being extremely irrational and going on blast-mode FOMO run. Yet all of this will lead to so many dead OpenAI wrapper startups and wasted funding, and another hit to the big-tech stocks that hyped up their products “improvements” through cheap, crappy LLM / Gen AI integrations. None of them will be as valuable as the hype grifters claim them to be. (Seeing this first-hand at LinkedIn, unfortunately. We have a group of the biggest Gen AI grifters running amok). #tech #generativeai #llm #ai I’ll be getting a couple of responses saying that I’m a naysayer etc. but the same shit happened during crypto. Remember a16z? They now pivoted fully to AI and they’ll pivot to the “next hot thing” with baseless, ungrounded conviction. Just like all the crypto tech bros are now all of a sudden AI visionaries. Edit: I said it will “mostly” die out. The steady-state will have more value and will be more useful than crypto / NFT etc. But still, a lot of what we’re seeing from AI today is hype on steroid. Our company’s shitty integrations with LLMs are so fucking crap and they get hyped up so much even though they have no value.

ABjunior Jul 11, 2023

How many chatgpt editors do you have open?