What motivates Biden to run for another term?

I am 29 and I already want to retire. I don't feel like working at all. I love to sleep, chill, travel and spend time with family/friends. But what on Earth is motivating this 81 yo to work? I can understand Trump is running because he needs to be in power to stay out of jail. But why tf is Biden running for another term?

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Upwork sf3 3d

For the same reason you volunteer to approve the pull request without even knowing how to code.

ex-Amazon Ms.Python 3d

Wha’s the reason? Asking because I’ve never done that 🤷‍♀️

Matrix IFS ScamAltman 3d

A sense of duty. He's been a career politician and was already highly respected before he became president. Had the right vibes and feel good grandpa character during his time as VP to Obama He ran for president in 2020 because it was obvious he's the only one with a shot at the magaliemaniac . The democratic party failed him, themselves and us by not grooming a better candidate by now He still is the only hope against Trump and he's truly honor bound to have a go at it again His reputation would not have taken a hit had he quit in 1 term. Yet here we are I respect him for what he's doing but it's a pity that he has to be doing this

UiPath toajfsnxka 3d

He was never the only hope. We have an oligarchy of elitism that prevents real candidates from getting into primaries. Biden is way past his prime and the entire Democratic elitist establishment protecting him from any sort of contest. He is so weak that he couldn't even challenge one Democratic primary Challenger? Weak sauce

Uber ♾️ 3d

He was also never highly respected.

Gusto 🛣️✌️THA⚠️ZONE 3d

Didn't he say at one point that he promised his dead son that he wouldn't quit running after he died?

Hubspot Hubbut 3d

You forgot one - he has wanted to be president his whole life and now that he finally got it, he doesn't want to let go. Also, I think pride. He wanted to spank Trump again. 💀

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Qualcomm fg57kHdq4 3d

In politics you should never think you are the boss... citizens are your boss. Politicians seem to forget that far too often. So did you apparently. At least that's how the democracies were intended to work, but since all good values have gone out the window since 1980s, 90s, most politicians are just in it to enrich themselves. You wouldn't need the stop congress from insider trading act if politicians were actually in politics to make the country better. So is it time to move to a direct democracy and eliminate politicians? Honestly I don't think so because citizens are even dumber and are easily influenced by a pretty face with boobs (or without) on Instagram (AOC). So we need to improve but I'm not sure how exactly. We definitely need to start by barring politicians from trading stocks or receiving stocks from companies for their vote. That's for sure. That would be a start. Then next step.would be to find a way to continually remind politicians that citizens are the boss. Maybe hold elections every 2 years instead of 4 years?

PayPal yqwse 3d

Pride and Power

Amazon BbuBisleri 3d

That man has been in politics for last 40 years solely and solely to be the president. He has run for presidency FOUR different times. His first run was in 1988. Thats how ancient he is. You think he will let go of it now?? Absolutely not. He wants to die a president.

Amazon lord musk 3d

He's a draugr from skyrim 😂

Meta Dem->MAGA 3d

“I can understand Trump is running because he needs to be in power to stay out of jail. “ When you say this, you should also realize you’re too stupid to understand your question. And, what you said there apply to Biden, you’ll have your answer.

Lacework gvh64 3d

Because you’re lazy and lack drive. And he doesn’t.

Zurich North America nontech123 3d

First Lady loves the power of her husband being President