Would you change for higher TC ?

TC around 450 ICT 5 Kid on their own, don’t need me much , not much family commitment YoE 20 Okay to work long hrs , I like it Huge mortgage to pay for home Bay Area I know I can get upto 700k or more outside if I play it well Job wise things are okay here, nothing rosy but nothing to complain , Day to day things with some political drama Would you move companies for higher TC now or stay put See market has open roles for what I do Which co would you consider and why

25 Participants
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Oracle whats next 3d

Unless you have a clear growth path I would change for higher TC.

Pinterest cy552 3d


Apple Fridayyeah OP 3d

20, edited post

Amazon cusomano 3d

Not sure your age, yoe, family status. But at a certain point you get diminishing returns with higher TC. Just a bigger box to live in with less time spent with loved ones.

Apple Fridayyeah OP 3d

Edited post with more data

Lyft f0e9f84c 3d

Must be nice to have a box to live in and loved ones nearby. Wonder what that’s like.

Microsoft msft_puppy 3d

What location are you at?

Apple Fridayyeah OP 3d

Bay Area

elprof1 3d

"Job wise things are okay here" Can I dm you for referral then? 😅

Apple Fridayyeah OP 3d

If it was that good I wouldn’t consider leaving But I know some friends who are miserable so I am better off

State Farm bean0 3d

At that point in your career I’d just start pursuing hobbies and side projects, you’re surely a multi millionaire.

Apple Fridayyeah OP 3d

Nah Not a millionaire Have a high mortgage to pay off for Bay Area home

State Farm bean0 3d

Have you been in tech/Bay Area long?

Amazon XEoP68 3d

Join Amazon for more drama